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How to Play the "Lazy" Way

Some days I lean into “lazy” parenting.

Why would I admit that?

Because we can’t be fully on all the time, and if that’s your goal or expectation, you will feel a lot of frustration and disappointment.

I call this “lazy” parenting because I am intentionally handing the reigns over to my child, just for a few minutes.

Watch the whole video (you don't need an Instagram account) to see

  • how I knew it was a good time to be “lazy”

  • how I knew this would work for my child on this day

  • how I handled my own limit on the playtime

Spoiler alert: I did this “lazy” parenting for about 15 minutes. This is not an all-day, everyday solution to parenting overwhelm.

This is an option to mix things up and get some relief instead of pushing harder or forcing yourself to be with your child in a particular way.

Let me know if this was a new insight in the comments below.

Want more specific strategies for playful parenting?

👉 Watch my Playful Parenting masterclass so you can get through the day with less fighting and more fun.

💜 Allyn


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Parenting 101 Private Coaching Program


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I'm Allyn

Wife, mom, and parent coach

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I'm on a mission to show you how to thrive in the toddler years and beyond, with less fighting and more fun.


Use any of the links below the post to connect with me and learn about my Pause~Presence~Play parenting method. 

I'm here to help you be the parent you want to be, on your terms.

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